Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past
25 Years Ago
January 27, 2000
The Browerville Dance Line started six years ago with 67 members, all girls. “The idea was to help with music and the arts and give our members good self esteem,” said Nancy Lamusga, one of the founders. Enrollment has varied year to year, and this year a healthy crop of 34 students are embers. This is the first year that they have boys dancing, with four in the line up. Nancy would like to see more boys involved in this form of expression.
Andrea Geraets, daughter of Mark and Lynn Geraets, and Christopher Schaefer, son of Robert and Darla Schaefer, have been nominated by the Browerville High School for the Minnesota State High School League Academics, Arts and Athletics Award.
75 Years Ago
January 26, 1950
The Browerville Community Sportsmen’s Club served caribou at a feed at the city hall last week on Tuesday evening. About 200 were assembled to enjoy the tasty meal. The caribou were shot recently on a hunting expedition into Canada which was made by Ed Morey of Motley, Frank L. King of Long Prairie, Al Poplinski, Dr. A.J. Lenarz and Loren Kahlert of Browerville.
The 1949 Sister Kenny campaign has come to a successful conclusion. The quota set for Todd County was $2,256.30, however, the total received was $3,686.75. Without willingness and kind cooperation of the people of Todd County we could not have achieved this goal.