Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past
25 Years Ago
February 24, 2000
Jennie Thorpe can tell you what the temperature is almost any time of the day. Each day Jennie checks her indoor outdoor thermometer and waits for a call from the television station in Alexandria. She gives them the temp, wind direction, and precipitation amount. Jennie said she and her husband, Barry, got interested in watching the weather because it affected their strawberry farm operation. The couple called the TV station and offered their services. That was five years ago and they have hardly missed a day since.
Central Bi-Products of Long Prairie recently donated $1000 to the Browerville Fire Department. The money will be used to purchase equipment for the department’s new grass truck. Pictured are fire department member Bill Buhl accepting the check from Daryl Brever of Central Bi-Products.
75 Years Ago
February 23, 1950
The first annual high school faculty basketball game will be played next Sunday evening, February 26, at the new high school gym. It will feature such stars as: “Slide” Blenkush, “Hook” John, “Pivot” Iten, “The Coach says to feed me, I’m Hot” Lenarz, “Dribble” Fisher, “Slow it Down” Dressen, “Swish” Patri, “Free Throw” Schenk, “Rebound” Wodarz, “Center Ice” Zins, “Screen” Eldred and “Defense” Drong. This outstanding array of talent will be coached and managed by Mrs. A.S. “Brains” Blenkush and Mrs. Ray “Strategy” Wodarz.
Word was received by Roy H. Gjerstad from the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, held at Toronto, Canada, that he was the 10th prize winner on his exhibition of corn. His corn was a new type of hybrid for this section of Todd County. The seed is a production of the Imperial Seed Company of Clear Lake, Iowa. This company grows all its seed in Canada.