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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

March 2, 2000

What Willie Hetlund heard in Burleene Township, west of Browerville, late last fall was enough to straighten his curls. Hetlund had been hunting deer with a bow following the November firearms season. For three evenings in a row, just at dusk, he heard an animal scream like he’d never heard before. He decided the screaming animal might be a cat, a big cat, a cougar. It was with that understanding that he had his hair raising experience on the third night. “When I got to the ground I could see it in the brush. I put another arrow in my bow.”


The Boys Basketball Team traveled to Sebeka last Tuesday for a non-conference game and won 63-43. The game was tied as the first quarter ended 10-10 but the Tigers hot shooting and aggressive defense took the Trojans out of contention as Browerville went on a 22-4 run to lead at the half 32-14.

75 Years Ago

March 2, 1950

Last Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, the local Independent basketball league held their tournament at the Swanville gym. The Browerville boys drew a bye on Thursday night. On Saturday night, the locals defeated Eagle Bend 54-48, while Swanville defeated Villard. On Sunday afternoon, Villard defeated Eagle Bend for third place and in the championship game, the Browerville Independents defeated Swanville 55-43. Jack Dressen was high point man in the scoring department getting 31 points in the two games.


The organization of the Todd County Educational Association is becoming a reality. Three meetings have been held in Long Prairie since the first of the year. The first meeting was to acquaint the county educators with what could be accomplished by such an organization. At the second meeting it was decided to organize a committee and they were appointed to draw up the plans. On Thursday evening, the committee met to draw up a constitution, nominate a slate of officers and formulate plans for publicity.


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