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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

March 16, 2000

The Drama Department of the Browerville Public School will present their annual production on March 30: Playing Doctor by William Van Zandt and Jane Milmore and produced by permission of Samuel French, Inc. Curtain time is set for 8 p.m. in the high school auditorium. If past year’s plays are any example, the play will be great and you won’t want to miss it! Student Director Cecilia Brasil is working on the script with cast members Andrew Stevens, John Peterson, Mark Asmus and Mitch Johnson, understudy for Ben Sutlief.


Upon completion of a special unit in the Language Arts, the sixth graders at Christ The King School entertained the student body and parents Friday afternoon with a presentation of Eight Fables. Each student made their simple costumes and props. Some interesting fables and morals were acted out.

75 Years Ago

March 16, 1950

The Browerville Commercial Club, with about 40 members present, held a dinner meeting at the Qualitee Inn on Monday evening. Various matters of business were discussed, including the Youth Summer Recreation program and others. Jason Masonick, of the Hartford-Little Elk Farm Bureau Unit, was present and told the club about a county-wide Farm Bureau meeting being planned for March 15 to be held in Browerville. The club agreed to find a hall for this important meeting.


It will be Bunny Tag Week in Todd County schools next week. Mrs. Norman Schmidt, chairman of the county Easter Seal committee, announced that the week of March 20-26 has been set aside through Minnesota as “Bunny Tag” week, when youngsters will have a chance to participate in the current Easter Seal campaign. At that time metal lapel tags will be distributed to all pupils in participating schools. The tag portrays an Easter Bunny holding a basket of eggs, bearing the insignia “I Helped a Crippled Child” and showing the 1950 Easter Seal.


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