Memories Gone By
News from Browerville's Past
25 Years Ago
December 28, 1995
Jane Leonard, the project coordinator for “Access America”, showed a group of reporters on how to access the internet on a computer. The computer is located at the county extension office and is available for public use. If you want to give it a try, call for information.
Renae Buhl, representing the Old Fashioned Christmas committee, gave Vince Leisen a donation of $337.16 for the Browerville Area Food Shelf. The money was raised from freewill donations for lunch served at the event. Leisen said that this year, “Donations have been wonderful, but the need has been great.”
75 Years Ago
August 4, 1945
Ben Nelson, manager of the Browerville Livestock Shipping Association for the past fourteen years, resigned his position this week and named Paul Seppi as his successor. Mr. Seppi will take over his new duties on January 1.
50 Years Ago
December 31, 1970
Faye Mace, manager of the Browerville Municipal Liquor Store for the past 11 years, has submitted her resignation effective January 1. Jerry Steinmetz will take over as liquor store manager, leaving a vacancy at the Browerville Vet’s Club.