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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

March 14, 1996

The city council hosted a meeting last week to seek input from the community on the Browerville Housing Study. They got input all right—all of it negative. According to the study, there is a need for rental housing in Browerville and the recommendation was for 8-12, one to three-bedroom units, which would rent for $400-$525 per month. Jack Dressen explained they would need a commitment from 8-10 people who would like to live in them to be in favor of the complex. When the audience was asked for their thoughts, nobody was in favor of the project.


Congratulations to the Browerville Girls Basketball All-Conference players. Coach Petermeier nominated them as Browerville’s Athletes of the Week. All conference: Stacy Gonsior, Jacqui Lamusga, and Jessie Frisch. Honorable mentions were: Elizabeth LaVoie and Melissa Spandl.

75 Years Ago

March 16, 1946

A large number attended the annual meeting of the Browerville Farmer’s Cooperative Creamery Association held last Tuesday afternoon at Paderwskui Hall. Preceding the meeting, a dinner was served to the patrons by the ladies of St. Joseph’s Parish. The meeting was called to order by Con Brechner, the president. Secretary John Gmyrek read the minutes of the 1945 annual meeting, together with the financial report from all departments. Election of officers followed which resulted in the renaming of all present officials as follows: President Con Brechner, Vice President Jake Steinmetz, Secretary John Gmyrek, Treasurer Frank Borgert, Directors Ted Sobota, Frank Wrobel, and Frank Fisher, and Manager Frank Eldred.


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