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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

March 21, 1996

Richard and Hattie Irsfeld were presented with a wildlife print in appreciation for their 25 years of service as fire wardens for Hartford Township. The award was given at a banquet held on Monday, March 11 at the Browerville Community Center.


On Monday, March 11, the Browerville Danceline made a donation of food and cash to the food shelf. The girls held a danceline presentation on Sunday and admission was a food item for the food shelf. Pictured are Kelly Wieshalla, Amanda Cichon, Vince Leisen, Krysta Betts and Danielle Lamusga.

75 Years Ago

March 23, 1946

Joseph Seppi, manager of the feed department of the Farmer’s Cooperative Creamery Association, moved this week from the main creamery building to their new location just south of the creamery. Spacious floor room and window display facilities are an added convenience.


Marcella Gorghuber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gorghuber, Hartford Township, was discharged from the United States Navy after 33 months of honorable service. According to Marcella, her most unusual experience was that of marching in a Regimental Revue at Hunter College. She wears the America Theatre and Victory Medal.


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