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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

May 2, 1996

Once again, the music students proved that “practice makes perfect.” Their exceptional talents and hard work were recognized at the music contest this spring. A sincere congratulations to those students who strived to succeed and go above and beyond the average expectations. Pictured are: Chad Salber, Elizabeth LaVoie, Kami Schorn, Kurtis Foote, Jessie Frisch, Boyd Smieja, Amy Benning, Troy Benning, Gina Oven, Vanessa Rapatz, Eric Ostrowski, Carle Schaefer, Jeff Werder, Missy Gritz, D.J. Hoelscher, Jacqui Lamusga, Brent Field, Erica Jonckowski, Benji Breaver and Andy Sudbeck.


Students in grades 4-12 from Browerville School were invited to participate in a school art show where some of the artwork was selected to represent the school district at the regional art show. Junior high awards were: Adam Stevens, Amanda Carpenter, Brent Lieser, and Stephanie Spychalla. Senior high award winners were: Jonah Mortenson, Joe Poegel, and Missy Carpenter.

75 Years Ago

May 4, 1946

Arlene Iten and Donald Lemm of St. Peter’s Parochial School, Browerville, were the winners in the annual catechism quiz held at the Church of St. Anne in Wadena. They are entitled to compete with the winners of other deaneries in the final contest to be held at St. Francis School in Little Falls tomorrow. The winner will receive a $100 scholarship.


Members of the Browerville bowling teams staged their annual party at the city hall on Monday. With the bowling tournament coming to a close at the Paderewski Alleys, Captain Ben Patri and his team were declared winners and were presented with $20. The second high team, captained by R.J. Holig, received $15; and the third prize went to Captain Henry Brenny and his team.


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