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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

June 13, 1996

With only ten acres to go, a crew of rock pickers in Dennis Reed’s field west of Browerville on Sunday was happy to take a photo break. Gene Kotula was driving the tractor. The rest of the crew: Dennis Reed, Nikki Reed, Matt Perlinger, Kyle Reed, Matt Buysse, Keith Trout and Jeremy Reed.


St. Joseph’s parish in Clarissa will celebrate its centennial. The origin of St. Joseph’s in the community of Clarissa came about when several Catholic families moved into the area sometime after 1887. Among them were Peter LaVoie, Thomas Warner, Marshall Ringey, Henry Vakoc and George A. Etzell. The first small farm church was built on the north side of town by the parishioners with the help of many Protestant neighbors.

75 Years Ago

June 15, 1946

Miss Tillie Tarnowski, local high school principal, became the bride of Raymond J. Wodarz on June 10 at St. John the Baptist Church in Virginia. The bride chose her niece, Mrs. Robert Wiemelt, as Maid of Honor and Misses Elizabeth and Clea Check as bridesmaids. Marry Tarnowski, a niece of the bride was a flower girl. Robert Wiemelt was the ring bearer. The groom’s attendants were Robert Jonckowski and Ross Jameson.


A severe electric and wind storm last Thursday did considerable damage to farm buildings and crops in this vicinity. Hailstones of excessive size damaged cornfields and several barns and silos were badly damaged by the wind.



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