Memories Gone By
News from Browerville's Past
25 Years Ago
November 7, 1996
There is a four-year-old business in the greater Staples area that is bringing upwards of 1000 people a weekend, 10 times a summer, to this area. The Moto City Raceway on County Road 7 is a 160-acre parcel that had been the farm of Jeff Oldenburg’s family going back four generations. They are members of the American Motorcycle Association in the heart of District 23. They race from 50cc to 500cc in some 30 different classes of bikes.
A recognition day was held on October 31 for all Browerville area RSVP volunteers and station supervisors. A program was held at the Browerville Community Center and Katie Quittschreiber, RSVP director, talked about the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, showed a video “They Changed America” and presented each member with a gift of appreciation. Fifty-one Browerville area seniors and station supervisors were recognized for their active roll in the community. Last year these RSVP volunteers gave 4837 hours of service.
75 Years Ago
November 9, 1946
Remodeling work, which began recently at the office building of Dr. H.E. Gardner, local dentist, is progressing well. The new addition, when completed, will include a garage, adjoining the office on the north and living quarters above the main building.
The Feather Party, staged annually by members of St. Peter’s Catholic Church, will be held this year on Sunday, November 24. Somewhat different than previous years, the party will be held indoors in the church basement beginning at 8 p.m. with a choice of turkeys, geese, ducks, or chickens.