Minnesota State High School League Adds Boys Volleyball
Bylaw amendments to Adapted Athletics and Boys Volleyball were approved on May 9 when the Minnesota State High School League’s Representative Assembly convened for its annual meeting at the Minneapolis Marriott Northwest. The 48-member Representative Assembly is the legislative body of the League that is responsible for creating and amending bylaws.
Following delegate caucuses to discuss the proposed bylaw amendments, the Representative Assembly, in its first action, voted unanimously to approve amendments to Bylaws 506, 511, 514 and 515, respectively, which creates a separate set of bylaws for Adapted Athletic programs rather than including them with the sport-specific bylaws. The approved bylaw amendment includes updated definitions on length of season, number of contests and other language that is specific to the Adapted Athletics programs and differs from non-adapted sports. The creation of these bylaws also supports students in adapted sports in participating in multiple sports. . .