New rules may greet students this fall...Cell phones and other mobile devices may be out

by Karin L. Nauber
When I went to school cell phones were a thing seen on Saturday morning cartoons and on Star Trek. We didn’t have technology at our fingertips. We barely had computers. The computers we had would take up some serious room real estate! (They were big.)
Now, devices as small as a watch and maybe even smaller can be used to connect us to the world around us.
The one thing they don’t seem to connect us to is education in the classroom.
Legislators are hoping to clarify if mobile devices such as smart watches, cell phones and the like have a place in the classroom.
The bill which is H.F. 3782 would require school districts and charter schools to adopt a policy on students’ use and possession of cell phones and other devices in school by March 15, 2025.
While 2025 might seem like it’s a ways away, it’s only eight months away.
This bill was written by Representative Laurie Pryor, a Democrat out of Minnetonka.
With this new proposal, the Minnesota School Boards Association would develop a model policy which local districts could emulate. The goal is to require school boards throughout the State to adopt the policy by the March 2025 deadline....