Oak Crest Farm celebrates 150 years
Oak Crest Farm, owned by the Tyrrell family, in rural
Browerville is the second farm in Todd County to reach
sequential status
by Trinity Gruenberg
Todd County has a second farm to reach sequential status and it is located in rural Browerville. The Oak Crest Farm has been in the Tyrrell family since 1873 and is being operated by the fourth, fifth and sixth generations.
Howard and Marlys Tyrrell were the third generation. Dennis and Cheryl Tyrrell are the fourth generation. Two of their children, Nikki (Tyrrell) and husband Nathan Deyle, and her brother Jakin Tyrrell and wife Amanda are the fifth generation operating the farm. The Deyle kids: Lucas, Zachary, William and daughter Sydney make the sixth generation to be raised on the farm.
They currently have 1273 acres of corn, soybeans, alfalfa, and small greens and 40 milk cows. They have around 150 animals on site and they finish out their own steers. They take many of their garden veggies to farmers markets and it is also a tree farm.
Dennis shared the family history that has been orally passed down for generations.
On his father’s side, they are supposedly descended from English royalty. A royal married a peasant girl and they were shunned from the country. The couple made the trip to America, landing in Massachusetts. From there, they traveled to Wisconsin where they settled.
They figure it was great-great-great-grandfather who had heard about the rich farmland of the Red River Valley in Minnesota and North Dakota. . .