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Public Health makes use of resources for efficiency in vaccinations

Todd County Public Health is using the Expo Building located on the fairgrounds for a mass vaccination site for citizens. Several lanes are used to not only promote social distancing, but to run efficiently.

by Karin L. Nauber

Making use of what they have. It isn’t always what you hear when it comes to government, but in the case of Todd County and specifically the Public Health Department, they are making great use of an asset already owned and upgraded by the county—the Expo Building located on the Todd County Fairgrounds in Long Prairie.

For the past few months, the site has been made ready to quickly dispense the Moderna COVID-19 vaccination.

Right; Rick Hest of Eagle Bend received his Moderna vaccine at the February 17 COVID-19 vaccine clinic held at the Expo Building. Todd County Public Health has created an efficient way to distribute as much of the vaccine as is possible. Pictured with Hest is Nurse Ronni Turchin.

As of last week, they had dispensed a total of 812 first doses and 446 second doses.

Over the past few weeks, they have improved upon the method to schedule the vaccinations, too.

They have a new system they are using to schedule clinic appointments.

Any Todd County resident age 65 or older can call 320-732-4500 and press option 1 on Fridays between the hours of 12 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to schedule an appointment.

Since there is a limited amount of vaccinations available, the appointments do fill up fast.

According to a recent meeting of the board of commissioners, public health is receiving approximately 100 doses each week.

As more vaccines become available, more residents will have the option to receive them.

The vaccine is currently available to select priority populations including health care workers, long term care facility staff and residents, emergency medical services personnel, assisted living staff and residents, group home/adult foster care staff and residents, dental offices, mental/behavioral health settings, public health clinics, home health settings, pharmacies, and correctional settings.

The Todd County website suggests the following if you have a COVID-19 vaccine appointment with health and human services:

• Wear short sleeves to your appointment.

• Enter the Expo Building at the Northwest door upon arrival. The Expo Building is located at the Todd County Fairgrounds at 203 9th Street Northeast, Long Prairie.

• If this is your second dose, please remember to bring your Vaccine Record Card.

“We strongly encourage you to get the COVID-19 vaccine if it is available to you. Getting the COVID-19 vaccine will help protect you and your family, co-workers, residents, patients, and community,” stated the website.

Remember, if you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine please contact Todd County Health and Human Services at 320-732-4500.

The following information is from the latest report from HHS given to the county commissioners.

As of February 16, Todd County had 2390 lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases and 31 COVID-related deaths. Many people with COVID-19 are not tested, so the laboratory-confirmed cases represent only a portion of the total number of people in Todd County who have had COVID-19.

• Cases no longer in isolation– 2372 (99%)

(Calculated as 10 days from their test date, February 6 or earlier)

• Gender– Male- 46.3% (1,107); Female- 52.8% (1,263); Unknown- 0.9% (20)

• Age range– from age 2 month through 103 years, case average age= 44.5

Total COVID Tests Performed in Todd County (as of 2/11/2021) = 22,057, 9.8% cumulative positivity rate.


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