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News from Eagle Bend's Past

25 Years Ago

August 2, 1997

The awning over Northland Dairy Supply in Eagle Bend collapsed under the weight of the heavy snowfall this weekend. Dale Rachuy reported that two big machine sheds collapsed also. Erv Schlichting east of Bertha and Arvid Anders in Bertha both had roofs collapse on their machine sheds. The cows didn’t quit milking during the storm, but picking up the milk was a challenge. Joe Wegleitner said the trucks went out on Saturday, but it took all day to pick up milk at a half dozen farms. They couldn’t see where the roads were on Saturday and they got stuck in every yard. On Sunday, with improved visibility, all of Wegleitner’s trucks were out picking up milk. With the help of tractors to pull them in and out of the yards, all of the milk that needed to be picked up was.


The Burleenettes Homemakers met on December 9 at the home of Erna Thorson. Roll call was answered with the exchange of Christmas gifts for their secret pal. We sang a few Christmas songs to get in the holiday mood.

50 Years Ago

January 6, 1972

Postmaster Earl Mittag asked that each rural patron remove the snow promptly after heavy snows from the mailbox approaches to help speed the delivery of mail. If a carrier, for example, has to spend one-minute additional at each box, this delays the receipt of mail to the last patrons for approximately three hours. The rural carrier is not required to leave his car to serve the mailboxes. Failure to remove the snow from the approach may temporarily prevent the carriers from making a delivery to your box.


Mrs. Lester (Lois) Hayenga and D. Harris Greene have been appointed by the Minnesota Republican State Central Committee to serve on the 1972 State Task Force Program.



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