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News from Eagle Bend's Past

25 Years Ago

August 2, 1997

Rick Harding Jr. from Rennix Corp. delivered the new fire truck to Eagle Bend last week. Pictured are Harding, Fire Chief Steve Weishair, Bob Solid, Kevin Winkler, Brad Lorentz, Jason Rice and Lenny Cossentine.


Next month, mock trial teams from Eagle Valley High School will take over the local courthouse, playing the roles of witnesses and attorneys for the prosecution and defense. As part of the 1997 Minnesota High School Mock Trial Program, students will argue a lawsuit that strikes close to home. The fictitious case of Chris v. Dr. Terry Preece and Edgewood Unified School District raised the following question: Is a school district liable when a student graduates without learning the basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic.

50 Years Ago

February 17, 1972

Over 200 people signed the guest list last Sunday and there were countless others who didn’t register but who also viewed the art display. Visitors came not only from Eagle Bend but from surrounding towns as far as Long Prairie and Alexandria. Also, guests leisurely strolled around the auditorium, where they could see the art of children and youth of Eagle Bend. Films, demonstrations and displays by more experienced artists were also presented. Thanks were extended by Patrick Redmond, artist of residence, who helped to make the event possible including the Minnesota State Arts Council. The success of the exhibit showed that people in rural areas have a heart for art.



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