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News from Eagle Bend's Past

25 Years Ago

June 25, 1997

Bonnie Beach, daughter of Virginia and Roger Beach of rural Eagle Bend, is pictured. As a junior at the Eagle Valley High School, Bonnie enlisted in the United States Navy delayed entry program “I had thought about joining the National Guard, but our school counselor said, ‘listen to the Navy recruiter first.’ Joining the Navy would allow me to travel and pay for additional schooling. I’ve always liked water,” she said. Upon graduating with the Class of 1996, Bonnie was off to Great Lakes, Illinois, for an eight-week basic training.


The Eagle Bend Girl Scouts Awards Ceremony was held at the Faith Lutheran Church in Eagle Bend. In all, 18 Brownie Girl Scouts and 15 Junior Girl Scouts received awards. The Brownie Troop entertained us with a Girl Scout version of the “Macarena” while the Junior Troop presented a short play on the story of Cinderella. Many awards were given including outstanding cookie sellers, Tiffany Borst and Shashona Ahrendt. Special volunteer leader awards were presented to Melissa Stueve, Jo Borst, Lanette Skillings and Sandy Perish. A very special award was presented to Barb Hess. She received an Outstanding Leader award from the Land of Lakes Girl Scout Council.

50 Years Ago

June 22, 1972

By Official Proclamation, Sunday, June 25, 1972, has been proclaimed Martha Roach Day in Eagle Bend. Mrs. Jess (Martha) Roach retired the past year after a teaching career that spanned 30 years. Festivities in her honor will include a program at 2 p.m. in the school auditorium followed by an informal coffee hour.


This fall for the first time, Minnesota hunters will be required to register all deer taken during the firearms hunting season, the Department of Natural Resources announced this week.


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