News from Eagle Bend's Past
25 Years Ago
August 2, 1997
Bisel’s Supermarket has been undergoing exterior remodeling for the past couple of weeks. Last week the front wall was removed and replaced with a new front.
A fire broke out in the Steve Weishair basement in Eagle Bend on Friday, August 1 around 3 p.m. Mrs. Weishair had just finished mowing the lawn and was in the house when she heard a noise. She opened the basement door and smoke rolled out. The fire was electrical and Minnesota Power was called to turn off the power. The fire was contained.
50 Years Ago
August 3, 1972
The house belonging to Mrs. Ella Wegner received slight damage from a runaway auto belonging to Tom Harper. Harper’s vehicle was parked near the schoolhouse when it rolled down the incline and struck the house.
The annual Horticulture Field Day at the West Central Experiment Station will be held on Monday, August 7. As in the past, it will be an evening meeting without tours beginning at 6:30 p.m. and continuing through the evening. Registration will be at the Engineering Building of the West Central Experiment Station.