News from Eagle Bend's Past
25 Years Ago
March 25, 1998
The Eagle Bend VFW Auxiliary Post 6318 sponsored a bake and craft sale during the recent senior citizen's pancake breakfast. According to Lorraine Froehlich, the sale netted $277 with proceeds going to the Todd County Cancer Society. Pictured are Berniece Mansager, Lorraine Froehlich and Lucille Hagedorn.
The annual Todd County DHIA banquet was held last week at the Clarissa Ballroom. Trophies were presented to Kevin and Diane Iliff for top dollar value of $3214 for three times milking, and Gabe and Barb Gieske for top dollar value of $3224 for two times milking. Jeff Rohde is the board president.
66 Years Ago
March 28, 1957
Airman basic Darald Hammond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hammond of Eagle Bend, has recently entered training here in the aircraft reciprocating engine machine course.
Twenty-five entries offering a wide choice of talent have been accepted by the contest committee for the third annual Amateur Show to be held Thursday evening, April 11, in the Eagle Bend School auditorium. The contestants are from Carlos, Rose City, Clarissa, Browerville, Staples and Eagle Bend.