News from Eagle Bend's Past
25 Years Ago
May 27, 1998
The Eagle Valley softball team won three games in Browerville last week to repeat as sub-section champions. The Rebels defeated Verndale on Monday, Bertha-Hewitt on Tuesday and in the finals on Thursday defeated Wadena-Deer Creek. Eagle Valley will now advance to the Section 6A tournament in Evansville.
The Eagle Bend City Council was conservative in their decision making Monday night. They denied a request by the Eagle Bend Veterans Club to be open on Memorial Day, but approved their request for an 8 a.m. opening on July 4. They denied a request by Police Chief Ryan VanDenheuvel to apply for a federal grant that would pay for up to 75 percent of a part-time officer’s salary. The money could only be used for hiring a new officer and the city felt they had enough police protection and they weren’t interested in paying the additional 25 percent that would be required.
66 Years Ago
May 30, 1957
Drusilla Heldt, valedictorian of the 1957 graduating class, not only achieved scholastic honors but also set a record in attendance. Drusilla has attended the Eagle Bend Public School for all of her 12 years of schooling and during this time has had perfect attendance by neither being tardy nor absent. This is a rare achievement and certainly one to be proud of.
Lauren Schroeder of Eagle Bend, a member of the Sod Buster’s 4-H Club, has been chosen to represent Todd County in a new 4-H exchange program scheduled for this summer, acting county agent, Erven Skaar, announced.