News from Eagle Bend's Past
25 Years Ago
July 15, 1998
Kay Lundgren, librarian at the Eagle Bend Public Library, recently spent June 25-July 1 attending the American Library Association’s annual conference in Washington, D.C. She was joined by the Lundgren’s daughter, Lesley, at the conference. Lesley, who holds a master’s degree in library science, is a children’s librarian at the Tacoma Park Branch Library in Washington, D.C. During the six-day conference the attendees had the opportunity to hear several keynote speakers, visit a multitude of exhibits and attend numerous workshops.
The Double Eagle ladies league results from July 9 were as follows: Vicki Perish had low net with 34 and Darla Thompson had low gross with a 44. Donna Pearson had a birdie on hole 8-green course. Weekly winners were Sandy Bain with longest putt on hole 9 and Darlene Weibye with longest putt on hole 4.
66 Years Ago
July 18, 1957
At the meeting of the local Legion Post, held on Tuesday night, July 16, the following legionnaires were installed as officers: E.C. Clementson, commander; Milford Bakke, 1st vice; Kermit Olson, 2nd vice; Laurel Hamilton, adjutant; Wayne Olson, finance officer; Dale Rachuy, chaplain; Dr. McLean, assistant chaplain; Wm. Einerwald, sergeant-at-arms; and Arnold Jackson, child welman. Gene Lindquist of Clarissa was the installing officer.
The hours the Staples Canning Center will be open, which begins operation on Monday, July 22, are from 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday.