ws from Eagle Bend's Past
25 Years Ago
September 9, 1998
There are five new teachers at Eagle Valley this year. Cherie Walker will be teaching speech in grades K-12 and serve as junior class advisor. Gina LeBrun will be teaching music and also will be a junior class advisor, as well as the one act play. Onni Sharp Anderson will be teaching English and social studies and will be instructing journalism and will be advisor for the annual. Reid Fore will be teaching special education, head girls basketball coach and assistant baseball coach. Katie Cary will be teaching seventh and eighth grade English, vocational English and eighth grade geography, as well as the full length play, assistant speech and drama coach along with being junior class advisor.
After 30 plus years of working at Eagle Bend Electric and Plumbing, Gordon Miller has gone from hearing the bzt bzt of electricity to the buzz buzz of a honey bee. Gordon’s son-in-law, Tim Venis, said he could use his help. Tim owns Venis Apiaries, bringing his honey bees to Minnesota for the summer months and returning to Oakdale, California for the winter.
66 Years Ago
September 12, 1957
Leila Irish, Little Falls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Irish, Eagle Bend, became the bride of Richard Allen Staples, in a double-ring ceremony on August 3 at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Allen Staples. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Paul Miller, Eagle Bend.
Starting next Monday, Lester Pollard of Eagle Bend will be driving a new 1957 Chevrolet. It is a company car that has been assigned to him for doing an outstanding job as a Curtis representative in Todd County.