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News from Eagle Bend's Past

25 Years Ago

October 7, 1998

The Eagle Valley 1998 Homecoming Coronation was held on Monday, October 5. Andy Kuperus, son of Glenn and Brenda Kuperus and Becky Schnettler, daughter of Tom Schnettler and Colleen Schnettler, were crowned as royalty. The week-long festivities will include various dress-up days and sporting events.


The Eagle Valley FFA held its first meeting of the 1998-99 school year on Monday, September 21. The FFA has six seniors and two juniors holding positions as officers. This year the FFA has many activities planned. They include putting a candy machine in the high school, going to the National Convention in Kansas City, starting the annual fruit drive and holding a children’s barnyard for the elementary. Officers are: Jessica Olson, reporter; DeeAnn Durheim, secretary; JoDee Hlatky, historian; Justin Dickinson, sentinel; Isaiah Godding, treasurer; Erik Line, vice president; Andy Kuperus, president; and Jason Moller, officer at large.

66 Years Ago

October 10, 1957

There’s an old saying about “working for peanuts” but now it appears that things are so rough that thieves are stealing money that is from the sale of peanuts. Arnold Christensen, manager of the store, was scheduled to open the store on Tuesday morning, and he was ill with the flu, so “Shorty” Johnson, substitute bartender, and Mrs. Arnold Christensen opened the store, and found that the money was missing.


The Eagles lost a heartbreaker last Friday night when the Clarissa team held them from scoring in the final seconds of the game. One more play might have made the score look entirely different, but time ran out and Clarissa emerged the victor 13 to 12.



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