News from Eagle Bend's Past
25 Years Ago
December 16, 1998
The Eagle Valley Girl Scouts held their investiture and re-dedication ceremony at Faith Lutheran Church on Tuesday, November 24. The Brownie Troop #350 (Leaders Brenda Wolf and Yvonne Jahrus), the Junior Troop #233 (Leaders Barb Hess and Beth Swenson, who entertained the group with a very “unique skit they learned at camp) and the Cadette Troop #283 (Leader Sharon Notch) all enjoyed receiving their membership stars and sashes. Our oldest Girl Scout, Heidi Skillings, recited a Girl Scout poem. The Girl Scouts are ready for another fun-filled year.
Gene Captain, one for the area’s most experienced bowlers, has opened ‘Gene’s Pro Shop’ at Eagle Lanes in Eagle Bend. He can provide a ball that will fit your hand perfectly. He drills new balls, plugs and re-drills used ones and resurfaces balls.
66 Years Ago
December 19, 1957
The Sod Busters held their regular meeting at the Albert Weigand home on December 3. All members were present with the exception of Lauren Schroeder who is attending the National 4-H Congress in Chicago and Sharon Schroeder and Donna Freeburg who are away at school.
The Cub Scouts of Den 1, Pack 23, visited the Shady Lane Rest Home last Thursday afternoon. The boys included Rolf Naley, Bobby Babler, Tommy Weibye, Bobby Nordlund and Jeffrey Larson.