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News from Eagle Bend's Past

25 Years Ago

June 2, 1999

The banner posted on Janice Larum’s house says it all...“Welcome back, Jason! We missed you.” The banner had been made by Joshua Larum, 13, and Janice’s sister Jody in anticipation of Jason’s homecoming. Jason, 18, arrived home within days of his high school graduation after a life threatening accident. He had been severely injured in a head-on collision with Jeremy Discher just north of Eagle Bend on April 16. Disher had minor injuries. Jason received injuries to his chest, leg and head.


The final Eagle Valley graduating class of the twentieth century received their diplomas on Saturday evening, May 29. Daniel Beach gave the welcome, Melissa Prather presented the class of ‘99 “yesterday,” Eric Denny presented the class of ‘99 “today,” Amber Benning presented the class of ‘99 “tomorrow” and Anna Stepaniak gave the closing remarks.

45 Years Ago

March 28, 1979

A robbery occurred at the C.A. Lundgren Scrap Metal shop on the night of Thursday, May 30. According to Virgil Hokanson, the local police officer, the burglars took an estimated $3,000 to $4,000 in tools, office equipment and high grade copper.


Eagle Bend Junior Randy Maland took first place in the pole vault at the Region 6 track meet held at Morris on Saturday, June 1. The first two places in each event qualify for the state track meet which will be held June 7 and 8 at St. Cloud Apollo High School. Maland vaulted 12 feet to take first place over the other eight regional contestants.



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