
News from Eagle Bend's Past
25 Years Ago
June 23, 1999
Arin Stoterau, daughter of Conrad and Diane Stoterau of rural Eagle Bend, was chosen as the Region 4 Dairy Princess on June 17 at Little Falls. Region 4 includes the counties of Todd, Morrison and Benton. As Region 4 princess, Stoterau advances to state competition for Princess Kay of the Milky Way. Competition will be held on August 25 during the Minnesota State Fair.
Two young Eagle Bend men have been arrested in two separate acts of vandalism on Friday night and Saturday morning, June 11 and 12. One of the men was arrested after driving over three mature pine trees in the yard of Herb Froelich. The trees were near the property line between his home and Shirley’s Gas and Groceries. The driver made two passes to knock down all the trees. The incident occurred about 10:30 Friday night. In an unrelated incident about 2 a.m. on Saturday morning, a vehicle drove across and damaged the lawns at three residents in Eagle Bend and at the high school.
45 Years Ago
March 28, 1979
Last Thursday, June 20, the first severe storm of the season struck the area, cutting a wide swath from Barnsville to the Twin Cities. It was about 10:30 a.m. when the ominous over-cast skies really turned an angry black. High winds of near tornado strength (70 miles an hour straight wind) accompanied by a deluge of rain and hail hit Eagle Bend and the surrounding areas. It is reported that a funnel cloud was sighted west of town, but from all indications it did not touch down in the area, although it is presumed that it created some of the wind strength pressure.
The first of two summer concerts presented by the Eagle Band will be held this Saturday evening, June 29, at 8 p.m. in the city park. The second concert will be presented in the park on July 13. These concerts include a variety of music such as pop music, folk songs and show melodies familiar to everyone. Alumni of the band are cordially invited to attend and bring your friends. In case of inclement weather, the concert will be presented in the high school auditorium.