
News from Eagle Bend's Past
25 Years Ago
August 11, 1999
A vehicle is stolen every 20 seconds in the United States. Auto theft is big business! If auto theft were legalized and incorporated, it would rank 56th among Fortune 500 companies. A program called “watch your car” has begun. It’s a voluntary vehicle registration designed to deter auto theft and also to assist in the apprehension of auto thieves. Eagle Bend Police Chief Tony Pangal explained, “Vehicle owners sign an agreement stating their vehicle is not normally used between the hours of 1-5 a.m. The agreement is entered into a centralized database accessible by law enforcement on a 24-hour basis.”
A ministry team of youth from Eagle Bend Assembly of God went on a missionary trip July 18-23. The youth team was headed up by Debbie Godding, the youth director for the church. The teenagers traveled to Hill City, Minnesota, near Grand Rapids. Members of the team were: Adrianne Godding, Heidi Godding, Gabrielle Godding, Isaiah Godding, Seth Greiner, Megan Schlicting, Hannah Skillings, Megan Skillings and Bonnie Stoecker. During their week of ministry, the youth spent each morning assisting the Hill City Assembly of God with a children’s crusade.
45 Years Ago
March 28, 1979
With the increased popularity of buying antiques or other used furniture, it is important to evaluate how serviceable the price really is.
On Monday, the Todd County Board of Commissioners hired Kilian Balcom of Long Prairie as the new county planning and zoning administrator. He will replace Mike Lorentz who resigned recently.