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News from Eagle Bend's Past

25 Years Ago

April 3, 1996

It has been thought about and talked about for a number of years. Whenever two or more gardening fanciers were together, they’d say, “We should start a garden club.” In 1957 Bee Bailey, Vivian Rasmussen, and Lois Hayenga decided to put those thoughts into action. They spread the word throughout the pages of the Eagle Bend News inviting others who shared their love of gardening to join them at a May 17, 1957 meeting. Vivian Rasmussen was elected the first president of the Sow and Grow Garden Club.


Rebels wrestlers were awarded. Most takedowns (33), most escapes (15), All-Conference (135.16), conference most valuable wrestler, Scott Rowe. Most pins (10), most reversals (16), most improved, Isaiah Godding. Most wins (22) Josh Luebben. Most escapes, (15), Jason Moller.

50 Years Ago

April 1, 1971

Mrs. Irene Muenzhuber, executive secretary of the Todd County Draft Board for the past 23 years, has retired from the Selective Service System. Until further notice, the local board office will be open only on Thursday of each week.


The WSCS of the local United Methodist Church will have its call to Prayer and Self-Denial “Quiet Day” program on Friday afternoon, April 2, at 2 p.m. Area ladies are invited to attend and to bring a friend. Cake and coffee will be served after the program.


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