
News from Eagle Bend's Past
25 Years Ago
May 1, 1996
Diane Peterson and Bernie Baker were each voted an EVHS Outstanding Layperson in Education. Peterson has worked at the Eagle Bend School for over 30 years. She worked in the library and is currently the secretary to the superintendent. Baker has been working at the Clarissa School since 1968 as the superintendent’s secretary. Peterson will retire on June 30. Baker plans to retire on October 31.
The following received superior ratings for their vocal talents from the Eagle Valley School: Sarah Booker, Rhiannon Stuart, Karie Lundstrom, and Jill Pontius for solos; Kari Lundstrom and Kelly Green for duet.
50 Years Ago
April 29, 1971
Three members of the Eagle Bend Future Farmers of America Chapter were elected to District IV FFA offices at the District Convention held at Park Rapids. Ricky Mittag was elected as second president; Dan Piepho was selected as the district treasurer, and Brad Lorentz was chosen as the district reporter. This marks the first time that the Eagle Bend Chapter has had a District IV officer in the last six years. The boys had to send in an application and then had to have an interview with the retiring district officers to be put on the slate. They were elected by a majority of the delegates at the convention.
Once again the Vietnam war was brought close to the Eagle Bend community with ever-increasing meaning with the death, due to hostile action of enemy forces, of 1st Lt. James Firkus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Firkus of Eagle Bend. Firkus, serving with the 101st Airborne Division, was killed April 23, according to information received here Monday. The message was delivered to his wife and parents by two Army department representatives from the Brainerd office representing the War Department in Washington D.C.