Seventh Judicial District Judge Clark reprimanded for conduct violations

The Board on Judicial Standards received a complaint concerning Judge Douglas B. Clark’s conduct. The Board investigated the complaint.
On April 16, 2024, based upon the Board’s investigation and proceedings, the Board issued a notice of proposed public reprimand and conditions to Judge Clark.
Judge Douglas B. Clark was appointed to the Seventh Judicial District bench in 2018. His chambers are in the Wadena County Courthouse.
In 2021, the Board entered into a deferred disposition agreement with Judge Clark based on his angry and aggressive demeanor and failure to perform judicial and administrative duties competently.
The Agreement also provided: “By entering into this Agreement, Judge Clark admits that he has engaged in misconduct in the matters identified in the draft private admonition or has otherwise violated the Code of Judicial Conduct.” The draft private admonition identified the following misconduct:
Judge Clark’s aggressive demeanor has caused attorneys to remove him regularly. In interviews with the Board, an attorney stated that he regularly removes Judge Clark due to Judge Clark’s treatment of him and his clients. The attorney stated that if Judge Clark is already assigned to a prospective client’s case, he will suggest that the prospective client look for a different attorney. Another attorney stated that due to the stress of appearing before Judge Clark, she has turned prospective clients away if their case is already assigned to Judge Clark....