Small gathering of the Meeting of the Minds

by Karin L Nauber
It was a small group that sat down on Thursday, July 25 to discuss options and if there were fresh options to consider for the upcoming presidential election in November.
An idea was presented by Pat Lunemann which piqued the interest of those in attendance including facilitator of the meeting Kermit Titrud, Lunemann, Carol Steidl and Karin Nauber.
The idea was for rank-choice voting (RCV), also known as instant-runoff voting, which is a voting system where voters rank candidates by preference on their ballots. Here’s how it works:
Ranking Candidates: Voters rank the candidates in order of preference. They can mark their first-choice candidate as “1,” their second choice as “2,” and so on. They are not required to rank all candidates, and they can choose to rank as many or as few as they prefer....