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Todd County Board of Commissioners: Another year begins with salary increases

by Karin L. Nauber

The new year will begin with another series of raises for employees and elected officials in Todd County.

At their regular meeting on December 21, the board went through the elected official salary requests and made the following approvals:

-County Attorney was asking for 2% and received 2.5%. Current: $120,514.00; 2022: $123,526.85.

-Auditor Treasurer was asking for 5% and received 2.5%. Current: $94,430.00; 2022: $96,790.75.

-Recorder was asking for 5% and was granted her request of 5%. Current: $70,570.00; 2022: $74,098.50.

-Sheriff was asking for 10% and was granted his request of 10%. Current: $101,714.00; 2022: $111,885.40.

-Commissioners: Current: $32,579.00, no per diems, board chair receives $1800 supplemental pay, vice-chair receives $1200 supplemental pay. 2022: $33,393.48, which equals 2.5%, supplemental pay remains the same for board chair and vice-chair. . .


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