Todd Soil and Water 2024 Conservationists of the Year: The Kreemer Family, Leslie Township

by Kasen Christiansen and Alyssa Scheve, Todd Soil and Water Conservation District
This year the Todd County Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors awarded the Jason and Danielle Kreemer family the title of Conservation Farmer of the Year. The Kreemer family resides in Leslie Township in Todd County.
Jason and his wife Danielle along with their four children operate a crossbred cow/calf herd consisting mainly of Angus genetics. He retains heifers for replacement purposes.
The cattle are managed by utilizing rotational grazing systems.
Along with the cattle, the family farms a variety of crops utilizing multiple types of low to no soil disturbance tillage methods.
As a supporter of soil health practices, he believes in keeping a diverse selection of crops on his acres from row crops to cover crops in his rotation of planting.
The farm was established by his grandfather in 1959. The initial farmstead consisted of only a house and chicken coop growing into a herd of dairy cattle.
In 1991, the dairy operation halted with the farm being focused on crops and conservation practices.
While a teenager, Jason started his cattle herd with two calves from a neighboring farm....
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