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Use and cost of former Eagle Valley school gym is discussed

The former Eagle Valley school gym was the topic of discussion at a meeting held on August 23.

by Karin L. Nauber

A short meeting was held on August 23 at the Clarissa City Hall to discuss options for the use of the former Eagle Valley school gym. There were 18 people in attendance including City Council Members Nate Rolfes, Karin Nauber, and Mayor Bob Gamache. City Clerk Jill Stalberger and Assistant City Clerk Janet Gabler were also present for the 27-minute long meeting.

There are two big issues that were discussed: the cost of the monthly rental and volunteers to be at the gym during open hours.

The monthly cost is about $1000 for rental.

Gamache said that in order for the city to rent or lease it there would have to be a way to sustain the usage to pay the expense. There would also have to be enough volunteers.

Heating and insurance costs were also discussed.

Gene Booker, who is caretaking the property for the new owners, said that there are a lot of issues to keep in mind in addition to the heating costs. . .


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