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Verndale City Council: Tower construction has begun

by Trinity Gruenberg

The Verndale City Council held its regular meeting on June 14.

Water Project

Clif Allen with Moore Engineering said the foundation for the water tower is complete. Steel will be coming in at the end of the month and crews will begin construction.

The new water meters are being installed throughout town. Notifications have been sent to schedule an appointment by phone or to get yours set up online.

Approved to pay Partial Payment 4 for Maguire Iron in the amount of $72,470.

The LRIP grants were not successful as there was a lot of competition. The request for West Service Drive and the frontage road scored well but were ultimately beat by others.

Liquor Store

The liquor store had a net loss of $354 for the month and a net profit for the year in the amount of $10,538. City Clerk and Liquor Store Manager Melissa Current said there were also deposits from weddings that were not added in yet. There was an increase in sales from 2019 in the amount of $1216.

There was a discussion about increasing the wage for bartenders and the assistant manager position as they are having trouble finding help.

Council Member Tony Stanley asked what the goal of the liquor store was. The council explained they were fine with the liquor store breaking even as they are providing a public service. They would like to make money for the city, as most has gone back into the liquor store building. They discussed raising the assistant manager position another $1.50 per hour to $14 per hour and increase the bartenders to $11. Stanley said to be competitive they should offer $15 per hour for the assistant manager and $12 per hour for the bartender's base pay. The council approved. . .


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