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Verndale City Council: What to do with all the cats hanging around town?

by Trinity Gruenberg

The Verndale City Council held their regular meeting on August 14.

Complaint About Stray Cats

Ardis Tallman discussed an issue about stray cats with the council. Her cat is repeatedly attacked and vet bills are expensive. She can keep her cat inside, but her dog does need to go outside. She explained there are 14 cats that hang out in her yard.

Tallman discussed options to remove the cats. PAWS doesn’t have the resources to man live traps and the Humane Society doesn’t have the room and they would have to pay to bring them the cats. She discussed options that other cities have done, that are not legal, such as shooting or poisoning the cats. The council was against this due to the legality and the risk of hurting someone’s pet.

Tallman asked why cats are not held to the same standards as dogs as far as licensing and vaccination and how would it be enforced? Tallman discussed it with the chief of police and there was no solution. The council will discuss it with him.

They discussed getting live traps, but would have to find somewhere to take the cats without having to pay. . .



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