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Verndale School Board: Levy finalized, outgoing members recognized

by Trinity Gruenberg

The Verndale School Board held its regular meeting on Monday, December 2.

Truth in Taxation Hearing

Business Manager Jordan Anderson explained the budget, highlighting a $350,000 budgeted deficit in the general fund. This budgeted deficit is primarily due to a planned, one-time playground replacement project. Anderson also highlighted a $1,262 per ADM gap in the general education formula allowance in comparison to CPI inflation.

The special education cross subsidy has decreased as a result of the 2023 Minnesota legislative session which significantly increased state special education funding. The special education cross subsidy is estimated to have been reduced but still leaves about 12.5% of special education costs to be covered by general education funding. The actual levy increase for taxes payable in 2025 is $49,325, representing a 7.31% increase.

The district increased its Local Optional Revenue from $500 to $525 per pupil unit. The increase in levy is primarily due to an increase in home market values and a decrease in resident pupil units. Verndale Public Schools is one of the few remaining school districts in the state of Minnesota that does not levy the full Local Optional Revenue.

Administrative Reports

Principal Katie Bolland reviewed that the school celebrated student achievements through the K-6 Pride recognition event and the Veterans Day program, which Katie said the staff and teachers did a great job preparing the students for.

The National Honor Society held an induction ceremony, bringing in 10 new members....



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