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Verndale Senior Citizens Club established: Join them on January 12

Media from Wix

by Trinity Gruenberg

The Verndale Senior Citizens Club has been officially established.

Discussions began in late 2018 with Nolan Bacon spearheading the group. They met several times and then Bacon had to relocate due to his health.

Lee Tarrell and Commissioner Chuck Horsager reached out to Sylvia Tappe, as she formerly taught leadership classes, to help re-energize the group.

On December 3, the still hopeful group met to get the Senior Citizens Club established.

Everyone Tappe called was happy to get together.

“When you’re older, you really need other people,” shared Tappe.

She is a foster grandparent at the Verndale School, but due to COVID, the school doesn’t want to put them at risk so they are not participating in activities with the students.

Officers were elected for the club: Burton Tappe, president; Avis Paulson, vice president; Ruth Anderson, treasurer; Sandy South, secretary; and Sylvia Tappe, event manager.

“I’m not big on meetings. I don’t want to make them boring and long. Do the business, get it over, and have fun!” said Tappe.

The group will hold their meetings at the fire hall. They plan to meet once a month in the winter and twice a month in the warmer months.

They discussed topics on what events they would like to partake in such as go on a mystery tour.

The Wadena County Commissioners gave the senior center $10,000 from the Cares Act Funds which they plan to use toward meals, trips, and to help establish their non-profit status.

They have approximately 15 members thus far. There is no age restriction. They stay socially distanced and like to play Bingo.

Call Tappe at 218-539-1050 if you have any questions. Their next meeting will be held on January 12 at 1 p.m. at the fire hall. Everyone is welcome.


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