Wadena County Commissioners: A lot of discussion about landfills and garbage
by Trinity Gruenberg

The Wadena County Commissioners held a work session on January 10.
Mail Box Supports
County Engineer Darin Fellbaum explained they have a policy on mailbox supports. If a mailbox is damaged when the county plows snow, the county repairs the box.
The policy states it is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain and repair their mailbox and clear the area around the mailbox. The mailbox support is property of the homeowner and replaced at their own expense.
Fellbaum explained after all these snow events their sign technician will be busy for the next week, and he would like to see a bit more enforcement of the policy as it is a lot of work for their department. He would rather see his department spend time making snow catches and clearing the right of way to be as cost effective as possible. . .