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Wadena County Commissioners cover a variety of topics at November meeting

by Trinity Gruenberg

For illustration only...

The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on November 1.

Hauler License Revocation

Chris McConn explained AAA Rolloff has been delinquent on their tipping fees. They reduced their balance to $42,298 in 2020, and currently, their account is $46,548. Their attorney recommended revoking their license. McConn does not want to revoke the license, yet, and would like to get them on a payment plan. If they do not comply, they would like permission to revoke the license. AAA agreed to pay an additional $2000 per month. G&T Sanitation is 90 days behind with $75,000.

Haulers are billed monthly. Commissioner Murlyn Kreklau wanted to know if there was a way to make them pay faster. Kreklau would like to see a shorter time frame for payment. Commissioner Sheldon Monson suggested increasing the bond amount from $5000. The account has been frozen and they can’t charge to it. . .


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