Wadena County Commissioners: Discussion ensues about county firearms policy

by Trinity Gruenberg
The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on November 30.
Personnel Policy
Ryan Odden, the county coordinator/engineer, reviewed proposed amendments to the personnel policy with the addition of a complaint form and revised firearms policy.
Commissioner Jon Kangas wished to see the language changed from Wadena County resident to citizen on the complaint form.
Kangas would like clarification on the firearms on Wadena County property. He believes it’s a second amendment infringement and wonders if they could be held liable. Commissioner Sheldon Monson mentioned there is Wadena County property that is hunting land.
Commissioner Chuck Horsager shared his concern about having a gun stored in a vehicle on county property. He encouraged everyone to review the policy and share their ideas and concerns.
COVID Update
Odden said a second person was hired to help with the front desk which will help county staff.
The Wadena-Deer Creek School Board approved the lease agreement for the Deer Creek School. Furniture for the facility was ordered.
The Court administration put together the application to use the facility for court and are waiting for a response. . .