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Wadena County Commissioners hold work session on comp time issue

by Trinity Gruenberg

The Wadena County Commissioners joined the Management Team meeting for a work session on Wednesday, April 10, to discuss the comp time issue and create a subcommittee to make a new policy.

County Administrator CJ Holl stated he received comp time policies from 13 counties, which he said were very informative. Some have strict policies, some have practices, and some have nothing at all.

County Attorney Kyra Ladd produced a list of the departments that have exempt employees.

The total is 69 employees; this includes the assessor, director of human services, IT director, planning and zoning director, director of public health, solid waste supervisor, and transit director. The departments that have exempt employees that are not subject to a bargaining group totals 41, including a deputy county assessor, two assistant county attorneys, an assistant county engineer, a highway accountant, a highway maintenance foreman, a human resources specialist, 32 human service employees, nursing supervisor, and chief deputy....


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