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Wadena County Commissioners: New deadline for CARES Act funding

by Trinity Gruenberg

The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on February 9.

Wadena County Public Health Director Cindy Pederson said they are working on administering the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to those who received the first dose last month.

They will also begin planning vaccinations for school staff and childcare providers in the next few weeks.

Pederson explained some small hospital systems are in a type of lottery to receive the vaccine.

The Wadena County Commissioners approved to continue to staff the screening station through March 15.

The lighting issue in the Deer Creek School gym was discussed. The gym serves as a courtroom. The lights are dim and two of the lights produce a loud hum. Kyra Ladd, county attorney, explained the hum may interfere with recording court proceedings. Board Chair Sheldon Monson has seen the lighting situation and said it is not adequate. . .


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