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Wadena County Commissioners Plans for the Red Eye Watershed

by Trinity Gruenberg

The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on November 12 at the Wadena County Courthouse.

Minnesota Family Investment Program Biennial Service Agreement

Darla Hoemberg, team leader with Rural Minnesota Concentrated Employment Program (Rural Minnesota CEP), and Brian Gapinski shared program statistics and success stories from the past year.

They provide employment and training services to those receiving cash assistance through the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP). From November of 2018 they had 56 people leave the MFIP program with 30 returning to employment, seven moved out of the county and several losing eligibility.

The average wage is $12.50 per hour, ranging from $9.86-$18.40.

They have 60 people on their caseload and it has gone up since previous years.

They work with individuals looking for employment or having a difficult time working due to health issues.

Approved service agreement grant for $271,326 for 2020 and 2021.

The Red Eye Watershed District map.

One Watershed One Plan Update

Anne Oldakowski, assistant manager and Darren Newville, district manager, for Wadena County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) gave an update on the One Watershed One Plan that encompasses the Leaf, Wing and Red Eye Watershed. . . .



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