Zebra mussels confirmed in Long Lake in Todd County

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has confirmed the presence of zebra mussels in Long Lake, near Little Sauk Township in Todd County.
An angler contacted the DNR after finding a zebra mussel on aquatic plants in Long Lake. A DNR invasive species specialist found zebra mussels on a dock at the Long Lake public water access.
Several new zebra mussel populations in Minnesota lakes in recent years were first reported by property owners and lake service providers removing docks, boats, and boat lifts at the end of the season. The DNR reminds people to carefully check boats and trailers, docks and lifts, and all other water-related equipment for invasive species when removing equipment for seasonal storage.
Whether or not a lake has any invasive species, Minnesota law requires people to:
• Clean watercraft, trailers and equipment to remove aquatic plants and prohibited invasive species.
• Drain all water and leave drain plugs out during transport.
• Dispose of unwanted bait in the trash....