Pastor Kenny Kjeldergaard was slimed with cheese and glittered by top cheese sellers Miles Self and Cami Kjeldergaard on Sunday, January 13.

Pastor Kenny Kjeldergaard was slimed with cheese and glittered by top cheese sellers Miles Self and Cami Kjeldergaard on Sunday, January 13.

Pastor Kenny Kjeldergaard was slimed with cheese and glittered by top cheese sellers Miles Self and Cami Kjeldergaard on Sunday, January 13.
Slimed and glittered
by Trinity Gruenberg
Pastor Kenny Kjeldergaard took the stage Sunday afternoon, January 13, at the Verndale Family Life Church. He was smothered in nacho cheese and very sparkly glitter to award the children for surpassing their goal of raising $5000 for missions projects.
The idea came from a video Kjeldergaard had seen and the kids were all over the idea. Pastor Amos Self was slimed years ago and it is still a favorite memory amongst the congregation.
The Kids Ministry Missions was on a mission to raise funds for Compassion International where they support a young girl in Honduras named Greysi. They are also involved in the Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge that supports Missionaries Luke and Tanya McKinley’s family in Lithuania.
Their goal was to raise $5000 for these missions and to entice the children to help raise the funds. Pastors Kenny, Tahna Rurup and Amos Self all agreed to be slimed if enough money was raised.
If the $5000 goal was reached, Pastor Kenny would be slimed and glittered. If $5500 was raised both Pastors Kenny and Tahna would be slimed. If they hit $6000, all three pastors would be slimed and glittered. . . .