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Highway 10 construction update:  All lanes open through July, detours start in August


Crews have completed resurfacing Highway 10 east and west of Wadena, and the Highway 10/Otter Tail County Road 75 intersection improvements. All Highway 10 lanes are open through July.

Detour begins early August

Both directions of Highway 10 will close and there will be a detour between Wadena County Road 4/Sunny Brook Road and Harry Rich Drive in Wadena for replacement of underground drainage structures near Union Creek. The detour uses Harry Rich Drive and County Road 4/Sunny Brook Road. All lanes to reopen by early September. 

Motorists can expect temporary shoulder, lane or sidewalk closures, with crews working in various areas for the full duration of this project.

Looking ahead

The mainline work and detours on Highway 10 in Wadena between 3rd Street West and County Road 4 will be done in 2020. 

MnDOT will host an informational open house for the 2020 construction work through Wadena. 

Summary of work

They will widen and reconstruct Highway 10 in Wadena from east of Birch Ave. Northwest to east of Wadena County Road 4, includingthe Highway 10 intersection at Highway 71.

It will improve access and traffic flow, includes a concrete median and widened shoulders, upgraded pedestrian sidewalks and approaches, upgraded city storm sewers and installation of new LED street lighting. They will replace the signal systems at Second Street West and Highway 71, upgrade the railroad crossings on Highway 71 and Second Street West.

What has been completed so far is the resurfacing and installed left-turn lanes at the Highway 10/Otter Tail County Road 75 intersection, west of Wadena.

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