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Verndale School receives $25,000 grant


America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education called on local farmers to help nominate rural schools to receive nearly $2.3 million in grants to enhance their science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs. Local farmers answered the call, and the Grow Rural Education program, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund, a philanthropic arm of Bayer, has recognized the Verndale Public School District in Wadena County with a $25,000 grant.

    The Verndale Public School District is just one of the many success stories of the Grow Rural Education program. For each winning school, teachers, students and, oftentimes, community members work together to make STEM programs more engaging.  The Verndale School will use the Grow Rural Education program funds to purchase an Egilog Laser Engraver to broaden awareness and application of laser technology utilized in manufacturing as well as in science, mathematics and business.  

    “Bayer is proud to support programs like America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education, which has made such a tremendous impact in rural communities across the United States,” said Lisa Safarian, Bayer Crop Science North America. “These grants help drive awareness of career opportunities in agriculture and enhance STEM education for the students who are the next generation of our industry.”. . . .

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