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Verndale School Board: Some funds high, college courses discussed


by Trinity Gruenberg


The Verndale School Board held their regular meeting on June 10. 

Financial Reports

Business Manager Jordan Anderson explained the community service fund is high on revenues and low on expenses. The balance was sitting at $110,773 at the end of April. Anderson will be reviewing it. 

The food service fund is still high with an April balance of $94,484. They are looking at purchasing a new dishwasher and offering afternoon snacks.

Superintendent Paul Brownlow shared the milk bid increased approximately 18 percent and they will have to absorb that through the increase in meal prices.

Brownlow said they don’t need to replace the dishwasher right now. He is looking to enhance food offerings with a possible vending machine for sandwiches, cheese and beef sticks.

They also discussed different offerings for breakfast such as eggs and sausage instead of cereal. They could look at serving more fruits and vegetables as well.

Student activity accounts spending will now be under board control and spending will have to be approved by the board. This won’t affect booster clubs.

College Courses

The board discussed college course offerings. Board Member Bill Blaha asked if they are offering enough courses to be comparable with other schools.

Brownlow said as long as the student meets the requirements, such as grade point average, they allow the students to take what courses they would like. Students can earn a college degree while they are in high school. . . .

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