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Annual appreciation held to honor Volunteers


by Karin L. Nauber

Why be a Volunteer?

It’s not for money, it’s not for fame. 

It’s not for personal gain.

It’s just for love of fellowman. 

It’s just to send a helping hand.

It’s just to give a tithe of self. 

That’s something you can’t buy with wealth.

It’s not medals won with pride. 

It’s for that feeling deep inside.

It’s that reward down in your heart.

It’s that feeling that you’ve been a part.

Of helping others far and near, that makes you be a volunteer.

The Annual Todd County Council (TCCA) on Aging Volunteer Recognition dinner and appreciation was held on Wednesday, April 17 at the Clarissa Ballroom. There were about 160 volunteers present.

These volunteers do everything from making quilts  to driving someone to an appointment.

There were many county volunteers who were not at the appreciation dinner. Why? Because they were out volunteering!

Some were out driving someone to a doctor’s appointment. Some were out delivering meals.

A new addition to the event this year were a few vendor booths. These booths not only gave interested volunteers the opportunity to learn more about a specific vendor, but also about any volunteer activities available with that vendor.

After the buffet-style dinner was served, the roll call was held for the different organizations within the county that have volunteers working for them. This included:

• TCCA Delegates

• Food Shelf Volunteers

• Senior Companions

• Great River Regional Library

• Nursing Home Volunteers

• Echoes Volunteers

• Americorps

• Bundled Services Drivers/Coordinators

• Foster Grandparents

• Quilt Bingo Quilters and Volunteers


-Food Shelf Volunteers

-Todd County Driver Program

-Eagle Bend Dining Center/Lutheran Social Services

-Treasured Treat Backers


• Affordable Housing Volunteers

• Tax Aides 

• So many more that volunteer for churches or are caregivers for family members. . . . .

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